Fish Mousse and Marshmallows
We stayed a while, just enjoying each other company knowing but never mentioning that we would likely never see each other again.
Dessert and Double Headers
I do believe there’s something freeing about telling someone your secrets knowing that you won’t see them again.
Stood Up In Cyprus
Being stood up is no fun and I reminded myself that this was not a reflection on me but on him.
Canyons and Chemistry
Kissing under a waterfall is something to be added to any and all bucket lists.
Lingerie and Late Nights
Have you even been with someone who is so affirming and sincere that you wonder how you could have ever been with past partners who made you feel less than?
The Meet Cute
This second man has definitely caught my eye. He has a smoldering vibe. I’m talking Antonio Banderas meets Johnny Depp in Chocolat- ponytail, scruff and all.
Eid and Egypt
I realize that what I get on a date as a foreign woman is a very different experience than what a local girl would get, from the activities to the touching to the conversation itself. My experience is simply my own.
Date or Therapy Session?
Conversations with strangers, when you know you won’t see each other again, can be surprisingly intimate and quite vulnerable.
Of Mummies and Men.
I’ll admit that I wasn’t sure how online dating would be in a Muslim country as this was a new experience for me especially during Ramadan.

And so it begins. First stop, London!
Connecting with a local during my first few days in a new place can completely change how the rest of my time goes, from getting recommendations to the opportunity for a second or third date depending on how strong the connection.