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Loni James

I'm Loni, a traveler, writer and storyteller. I quit my job to travel the world full-time with plans to go on a date in every country.

I've climbed mountains, endured more than my fair share of awkward dates, reveled in some romance and seen the world. This blog is a mix of dating stories and unconventional travel stories from my last 3 years of full time travel. I'm currently exploring Asia and working on a book about all of my adventures. Please subscribe so you don't miss any fun updates. Thanks for following along.

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And so it begins. First stop, London!

Connecting with a local during my first few days in a new place can completely change how the rest of my time goes, from getting recommendations to the opportunity for a second or third date depending on how strong the connection.

And so it begins. First stop, London!

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Serial Killer or No?

I've been asked if any of these dates have resulted in me falling in love and if so, would I stop traveling?

Serial Killer or No?
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An Estonian in Slovenia

Who else loves when a date is going so well that they move from sitting opposite of you to sitting next to you?

An Estonian in Slovenia
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Bled and Beer

Despite it not being the case, there are still so many people who assume all dating apps are simply for hooking up.

Bled and Beer