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Loni James

I'm Loni, a traveler, writer and storyteller. I quit my job to travel the world full-time with plans to go on a date and a hike in every country along the way.

I originally set out to go on dates as a way to meet locals and have some fun as I explored new places. Somewhere along the way it's turned into something more. I've collected interesting stories, met some wonderful humans and started sharing my writing for the first time, all while learning about myself and other cultures. I'm so grateful to the many women who demanded more stories. I wouldn't be here without you.

I'm currently exploring Asia and working on a book about all of my adventures. Subscribing to this blog is one of the best ways you can support me. Subscribers will be the first to hear book news and stories from the road. Thank you for following along.

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And so it begins. First stop, London!

Connecting with a local during my first few days in a new place can completely change how the rest of my time goes, from getting recommendations to the opportunity for a second or third date depending on how strong the connection.

And so it begins. First stop, London!

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Serial Killer or No?

I've been asked if any of these dates have resulted in me falling in love and if so, would I stop traveling?

Serial Killer or No?
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An Estonian in Slovenia

Who else loves when a date is going so well that they move from sitting opposite of you to sitting next to you?

An Estonian in Slovenia
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Bled and Beer

Despite it not being the case, there are still so many people who assume all dating apps are simply for hooking up.

Bled and Beer