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Parks and a Hail Mary

Kisses are like dates, I swear you don’t appreciate the good ones until you’ve had a REALLY BAD ONE.

Parks and a Hail Mary
Members Public

Ferries and Fake Names

After our first date I could have never guessed how the rest of the week would go.

Ferries and Fake Names
Members Public

Wedding Crashing + Bucket Lists

This happens in the movies but do people actually do this in real life?

Wedding Crashing + Bucket Lists
Members Public

Toot Toot, Beep Beep!

While I wasn’t on fire, a modern take on stop, drop and roll seemed appropriate.

Toot Toot, Beep Beep!
Members Public

Walks and Wedding Dresses

When there are so many matches and potential conversations, those that offer to meet up with a tangible plan seem the most promising.

Walks and Wedding Dresses
Members Public

I Slept on a Bench.

I don’t like to believe the worst about people but I should have wised up sooner.

I Slept on a Bench.
Members Public

Pigs and Paragliding

The tree starts shaking as this giant chunk of wild bacon is clearly in need of a midnight snack.

Pigs and Paragliding