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Serial Killer or No?

I've been asked if any of these dates have resulted in me falling in love and if so, would I stop traveling?

Serial Killer or No?
Members Public

An Estonian in Slovenia

Who else loves when a date is going so well that they move from sitting opposite of you to sitting next to you?

An Estonian in Slovenia
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Bled and Beer

Despite it not being the case, there are still so many people who assume all dating apps are simply for hooking up.

Bled and Beer
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A Gentleman of Verona

My lips were still tingling from his kisses but I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the absolute romance that is Verona by night. Romeo and Juliet knew what was up.

A Gentleman of Verona
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Ferries and Fake Names

After our first date I could have never guessed how the rest of the week would go.

Ferries and Fake Names
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Wedding Crashing + Bucket Lists

This happens in the movies but do people actually do this in real life?

Wedding Crashing + Bucket Lists
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Toot Toot, Beep Beep!

While I wasn’t on fire, a modern take on stop, drop and roll seemed appropriate.

Toot Toot, Beep Beep!
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Walks and Wedding Dresses

When there are so many matches and potential conversations, those that offer to meet up with a tangible plan seem the most promising.

Walks and Wedding Dresses
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I Slept on a Bench.

I don’t like to believe the worst about people but I should have wised up sooner.

I Slept on a Bench.
Members Public

Pigs and Paragliding

The tree starts shaking as this giant chunk of wild bacon is clearly in need of a midnight snack.

Pigs and Paragliding