An Estonian in Slovenia
Who else loves when a date is going so well that they move from sitting opposite of you to sitting next to you?

Here's your reminder to drink the Mountain Juice.
I’ve found it a bit more challenging to read the interest of my dates as the cultural norms are not what I’m used to.

The Swiss-Suation
I have a theory that the fancier the car, the harder it is to find the handle. It’s a convertible which is lower to the ground than I thought possible and even with his assistance I, unceremoniously and literally, fell into the seat.

Parks and a Hail Mary
Kisses are like dates, I swear you don’t appreciate the good ones until you’ve had a REALLY BAD ONE.

Ferries and Fake Names
After our first date I could have never guessed how the rest of the week would go.

Wedding Crashing + Bucket Lists
This happens in the movies but do people actually do this in real life?

Toot Toot, Beep Beep!
While I wasn’t on fire, a modern take on stop, drop and roll seemed appropriate.
Walks and Wedding Dresses
When there are so many matches and potential conversations, those that offer to meet up with a tangible plan seem the most promising.
I Slept on a Bench.
I don’t like to believe the worst about people but I should have wised up sooner.
Pigs and Paragliding
The tree starts shaking as this giant chunk of wild bacon is clearly in need of a midnight snack.